Headquarters & Headquarters Company proper

This section contains a listing of the people who were assigned to the HHC 1st Bde itself, rather than the actual aviation unit. These people served along side those in the aviation unit, and we are proud to include them here. Each entry contains available information such as  job assignments, nicknames, dates assigned to the unit, items of interest, and what that person is doing today. These entries appear in chronological order.

This is a sister section to the ROGUES GALLERY, which contains a collection of photos of the individuals - some "then" and some of more recent times.

Photos of other various items appear in the ALBUMS section.

Roll Call main page

Ricardo A. Rosonet - "Rick" (Security), STINKY, September, 1965 - September, 1966. Rick was assigned to the 11th Air Assault Test in May, 1965, which became the 1st Cavalry Division. He left Charleston, SC, on the USS Patch, arriving in Qui Nhon in September. He was a Radio Telephone Operator with the 1st Brigade Security Platoon. Rick is a licensed funeral director, living in Biloxi, MS. Rick received the nickname "Stinky" because of a tattoo of a skunk on his right forearm.

Drew Tallini (Supply, then Security), September, 1965 - July, 1966. Drew graduated from jump school in June, 1965 and joined the HHC, 1st Bde, 11th Air Assault Division. The name of this unit was changed the next month to the HHC, 1st Bde (Abn), 1st Cavalry Division - the birth of the Cav. He left Savanna GA in August, 1965, on the USNS Geiger and arrived in Qui Nhon in September. (See the HISTORY section for more details.) Drew now lives in Massachusetts where he is a Materials Manager and the Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator for a Bio Technical company.

Roger P. Heilig , Jr. (Security), FLIP, September, 1965 - September, 1967. Roger graduated from jump school in June and was initially assigned to the HHC, 11th Air Assault, which was renamed the 1st Cavalry Division a few days later. He shipped to Vietnam on the USNS Geiger, arriving in September. He extended twice, for six months each time, and left Vietnam as a Sergeant E-5. Roger currently resides in Idaho, and although disabled (100% service-connected for PTSD), he devotes most of his time helping Vets win their claims against the Department of Veterans Affairs.

James Hurley (Medical), September, 1965 - April, 1966. After attending Infantry Medical Training, Jim was assigned to the 2nd Infantry Division at Ft. Benning. In early July, 1965, he was assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division, eventually working under the Division Surgeon, Colonel McCarty. Jim arrived in Vietnam by ship in September. Though not assigned to the Flying Circus, Jim did a fair bit of flying with his duties assigned to the Field Medical Unit. Jim works with his son, both as Electrical Contractors, in Hobe Sound, FL.

Huynh Da Tai (Interpreter), September, 1965 - ??. Huynh was a Vietnamese Sergeant who was assigned to the security section of the HHC, 1st Brigade as an interpreter not long after the unit arrived in country. He worked well with the unit and was well respected by those who knew him. It is fitting to have him as a member of the group. Tai was killed in an ambush on 20 September, 1973, fighting to keep his country free. He will be remembered by those who worked with him as well as his wife and nine children.

Pete Smith (Base Defense), April, 1967 - December, 1967. Pete was initially assigned to be a radio operator, but was then asked to act as NCOIC for the base defense of LZ English. After returning from Vietnam, Pete went to college in New York City, and became a CPA. He started a firm in Sarasota, FL, then sold it and became a partner in 3 large marinas and boat dealerships.  He recently sold those and is now helping the new owners transition into the business. Pete is married, with three sons.

Steve Morris (Medic), DOC, April, 1967 - August, 1968. Steve joined the company at An Khe, and accompanied it to such holiday destinations as Bong Song, Kontum, Dak To, Quang Tri and the A Shau. He recalls accompanying Hank Calonkey on the beer runs. Steve now works as an environmental coordinator at a crude oil refinery. He and his wife live in a sleepy little town in New Mexico.

Hank Calonkey (Base Security), Joined the Cav. July, 1967 - transfered to the HHC April, 1968 - August, 1968. Hank was primarily assigned to the Security section of the Headquarters Company. He remembers making a couple of beer runs down route 1 between Camp Evans and Quang Tri with a duce and a half pulling a ton and a half trailer. He brought back one order worth $1700.00 and the other worth $1100.00, all paid for in MPC. That is one good way to use it. Hank now lives in Woodward, IA, on a VA disability.

Daniel French, (Bde XO), JINGLES. LTC French was the CO of the 1/12th from from October, 1967, to March, 1968. After leaving command of the 1/12th, he became the 1st Bde XO. They say his voice sounded just like Andy Devine on the old Wild Bill Hickock show.  The character's name was Jingles, so that's where he got his nickname. He retired as a two star general, and died in August of 2013. 

Alan VanDan (Security), DAD, transferred to the unit December, 1968 - June, 1969. Alan arrived in Vietnam in April, 1968, and was originally assigned to C Company 1/12. He says that he started his later career as a carpenter by doing odd building maintenance jobs and building hooches for Capt. Jarorowski. While not taking up the offer to fly with the scout section, Alan did other work with the aviation unit. He now lives in Indiana with his wife and two grown kids.

David Bates (Pathfinder - Blackhat), BABYSAN, Bumpo43, March, 1969 - January, 1970. David was assigned to the 11th Pathfinder Detachment of the 11th Aviation Group. David is retired US Army and living in Fayetteville, NC. As a pathfinder, we are proud to have BABYSAN as an honorary member of the group. David passed away on 19 April, 2020.